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Previously Known as Facebook, Social Media Giant Meta Files Trademarks for Crypto Tokens, Wallets and Exchanges

2022-03-24 14:11:00

Mark Zuckerberg’s tech empire appears to be setting its sights on new crypto-related endeavors. He is the CEO of the social media giant Meta, formerly Facebook. The company filed eight trademark applications on Friday for its logo to cover a wide range of digital purposes, including cryptocurrency tokens, wallets, and exchanges.

Among the eight trademark filings, six explicitly refer to cryptocurrency and blockchain-based technologies. (The filings can be viewed by searching the serial numbers on the Patent and Trademark Office website.)

The news comes just a few months after Meta’s exit from Diem, the cryptocurrency formerly known as Libra.

So what does this all mean? Well, Meta recently announced it’s looking to integrate NFTs on Instagram, one of its most popular apps. At the SXSW Conference, Zuckerberg said he envisions Instagram users being able to mint their digital avatar’s clothing as NFTs.

Because NFTs are unique crypto tokens that exist on a blockchain like Ethereum and signify ownership, NFTs would be included under Meta’s broad filings that cover any “crypto tokens.”

This would allow Instagram and Facebook to add an NFT profile picture feature similar to Twitter’s.

(Article Courtesy of Decrypt)

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