
한국 가장 믿음직한 암호화폐 거래 플랫폼인 FameEX에서 제품 업데이트, 새로운 상장, 최신 이벤트, 시스템 업그레이드 및 기타 중요 정보를 확인하세요.

FameEX Implements Risk Control Measures for Users Exhibiting Abnormal Trading Activity

FameEX Implements Risk Control Measures for Users Exhibiting Abnormal Trading Activity

2024/03/20 16:54:00

Dear FameEX users,

In the light of maintaining a robust trading environment to safeguard our users’ trading experiences, FameEX firmly condemns the irregular activities of violative users. We rigorously monitor abnormal registrations, trades, and similar behaviors, implementing appropriate measures for risk control management.

Any abnormal profits obtained through the misuse of event rewards and referral commissions will be confiscated and deducted by the platform for violations, with corresponding restrictions imposed on related accounts regarding deposits, withdrawals, and trading activities.
Common violations include but are not limited to:

1. Provide incorrect, fake, or outdated user information.

2. The same user deliberately registers multiple accounts (determined through IP address or device).

3. Manipulate the market to gain profits.

4. Profit from system vulnerabilities.

5. Engage in high-frequency trading arbitrage through API bots.

6. Wash trading or illegally bulk registering accounts, as well as for trades that appear to be self-dealing or market manipulation.

7. Involve in money laundering transactions or wash trading.

8. Engage in any other illegal, fraudulent, or malicious activities.

All user behaviors above will be automatically identified and restricted by the platform risk control system. If you have any questions about account risk control, please reach out to our customer service team. 

The FameEX platform and its associated affiliates jointly oversee user conduct. If an affiliate user engages in various violations, coupled with the affiliate’s failure to intervene, the platform will terminate the referral relationship between the user and the affiliate, possibly impacting further affiliate’s evaluation.

Note: By participating in platform trading, users are deemed to agree to the contents of this announcement. FameEX reserves the final interpretation of determining and handling abnormal user behaviors. In addition, FameEX has the right to explain, modify, suspend, cancel, or terminate the platform’s trading rules at any time and for any reason.

Reminder: Cryptocurrency trading carries a high market risk. It is essential to diligently evaluate these risks and exercise rational judgment regarding your investment capability. Make well-considered investment decisions and proceed with caution.

FameEX Team

March 20, 2024

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